Noodles for Django

Half-baked noodles of ideas for little bits of Django functionality

This project is maintained by Brant

Abstract Models

Each abstract model is essentially named exactly to match the fields it will give you. For example, "TitleDateSlug" will give you title, date, and slug fields.

Your models can just inherit from these models to save yourself some typing.


LittleSlugger allows you to designate a field on your model to be "slugified". It provides some additional calculations to prevent conflicting slugs, so you can query reliably on the slug field.

In order to implement, you need to create a method for your model named "get_slug_target". It should return the name of the field you want to slugify, as a string.

from noodles.models import LittleSlugger

class MySluggedModel(LittleSlugger):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=50)

    def get_slug_target(self):
        return "title"

Not adding the "get_slug_target" method to your model will raise NotImplementedError.

Little Slugger will look for another object of the same model type with a matching slug. If it finds one, it will append a number (in sequence) to the end of the slug.

For example, if you had an entry with a title of "A good day", it would have a slug of "a-good-day". If you then made another entry titled "A good day", it would end up with a slug of "a-good-day-1". If a third entry with the same title was created, it would become "a-good-day-2". This allows reliably querying on slugs, as if they would always be unique.

Another default behavior of LittleSlugger is to keep the slug, once it has been established, even if the sluggified field should change. This allows, for example, title changes on blog posts without changing the URL of that post.

For example, if you titled a post "A good days" and published it, you might have a URL of "". Realizing it should be titled "A good day", you would change the title. However, the slug would stay the same, keeping any pointers to the URL the same as well.

To disable this behavior, you simply need to make a small addition to the "get_slug_target" method.

from noodles.models import LittleSlugger

class MySluggedModel(LittleSlugger):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=50)

    def get_slug_target(self):
        return ("title", False)

The second variable returned in the tuple designates whether or not the slug should "persist" through field changes.


NameSlug is a subclass of LittleSlugger, which has a "name" attribute. That name attribute is what the slug will be built from.


NameSlugActive is a subclass of NameSlug (which is a subclass of LittleSlugger). In addition to a name and a slug of that name, there is an "active" attribute (BooleanField that defaults to True).

Note: The 'active' attribute is not a toggler (like ActiveToggler's active field).


TitleDateSlug is a subclass of LittleSlugger. It's attributes are 'title', 'date', and 'slug'. Slug is derived from the title.

The date attribute could be used as something like a publish date. If left blank at save, it will auto populate to 5 days in the future.


Active Toggler lets you toggle 1 entry of the model to be considered "active". Only 1 entry can be active at a time.

Active Toggler adds an "active" attribute to your model. When an object of the model is saved (by calling .save()) and set to active=True, it will run through all other entries for the model and set them all to active=False.

from noodles.models import ActiveToggler

class FavoriteIcecream(ActiveToggler):
    """ You can only have 1 favorite at a time """
    name = models.CharField(max_length=50)

You could then use the model to query as if "active" was a unique field.

current_favorite_icecream = FavoriteIcecream.objects.get(active=True)